Chair Archive


Oct 1, 2022

Marianne Hebert

Fall Potluck and Annual Meeting—CANCELLED
We decided to cancel the Fall Potluck and Annual Meeting this year due to concerns about transmission of COVID. We will hold elections electronically. If we don’t have your email address on file, we will send you a ballot via USPS. Watch your email for election details or check our website for updates.

Outdoors Indoors
We are considering holding the Outdoors-Indoors lectures in person this Spring. Conversations with organizers and presenters are ongoing, but we are optimistic that we can have mask-optional lectures. Look for details in the Winter North Wind.

Summer 2023 Picnic
Given the success of the 50th anniversary party this summer, we are planning to hold a summer potluck picnic at Sandstoner Park in Potsdam. Outdoor events seem to be the best meeting venue these days. Details will be published in the Spring 2023 North Wind.

Get out and Play!
We have a great array of outings this Fall:

ADK Voices
The Club has launched the ADK Voices oral history project: Listen to stories about ADK’s history, outings, chapter projects and more! Take a listen, and you might be inspired to contribute your own story. To record stories, contact:

New Year’s Day Annual Outing
Mark your calendar! Sunday, January 1, 2023 is the date of our annual New Year’s Outing at Higley Flow State Park. Snowshoe or ski and enjoy refreshments with old and new members!