Director Archive


Director's Report

ADK Board of Directors and Annual Meeting – Mar. 14, 2009 Lake George

David Trithart

Financial matters dominated the agenda. Despite the inevitability of some bad news, given the world-wide economic recession, the picture was decidedly hopeful. ADKs diverse revenue sources have helped keep the balance sheet in good condition. We had good cash flow, especially due to strong revenues from North Country operations and restraint on expenditures. The planned deficit for the year was much less than expected, while the investments that were funded by the deficit went ahead. Adirondac is now full-color with improved content. Publicity is stronger. Get on the email list for ADK Today by emailing He’s also where to send news items about chapter activities. As always, there was news of work done by the teams of volunteers on ADK property – and reminders that help is always welcome on these “work weekends.” Campground hosts are also needed at Heart Lake – which is becoming more of a destination, especially it seems, for families. Contact information is on the ADK website.

Cranberry Lake is the site for National Trails Day on June 6. Many trail projects are available for sign-up. The ball and silent auction formerly held in the fall has been moved to the spring. Now called “A Black Fly Affair” the event will be on May 30 at Ft. William Henry Resort & Conference Center. A new edition of the guidebook for the Eastern Region is just out.

Conservation issues include:

  • continuing efforts to pass the Bigger Better Bottle Bill,
  • protecting the Environmental Protection Fund by retaining the Real Estate Transfer Tax as the source of funding
  • defeating a plan to cap state payments of property taxes on state lands
  • advocating for canoeing interests on the Low’s Lake issues

ADK represented New York at the Supreme Count, where a landmark clean air case was recently won.

Watch for these, from ADK: A new edition of Adirondack Reader, a capital campaign for investment in facilities, ADK will become an official provider of “Leave No Trace” training, more improvements at Adirondack Loj and JBL.